Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Report on the Budget 2020 Consultation
From: Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services Report on the Budget 2020 Consultation
The B.C. Network of Child and Youth Advocacy Centres informed the Committee that unresolved childhood trauma has a profound lifelong impact on children, families and communities, but when treated early, children have the capacity to heal from abuse. Children and youth advocacy centres provide an integrated response to crimes against children, coordinating the work of police and social workers, connecting victims to services, and navigating children and their families through complex court processes, thereby supporting children and their families to help move forward with their lives in a healthy and productive way. To enable this work to continue, the B.C. Network of Child and Youth Advocacy Centres requested ongoing, dedicated core funding for their six centres operating across the province. p.61
The Committee discussed the work of child and youth advocacy centres, and agreed that these centres provide valuable supports for vulnerable children.
The Committee recommends to the Legislative Assembly that the provincial government:
#70: Invest in the operational costs for child and youth advocacy centres. p.64