2021 Provincial Report
Six of the operational child and youth advocacy centres in BC came together to develop and implement data collection tools to assess how the CYAC model is impacting the response to children and youth who have experience abuse and violence, service to their families and the work of the professionals responding to these cases.
Four survey tools were used: child satisfaction, caregiver satisfaction, multi-disciplinary satisfaction, and case-specific multi-disciplinary feedback. More than 30 data points for each CYAC file was also collected. The data from these tools were collated and the attached report provides an overview of the services provided in 2021 as well as the impact of the CYAC response model.
Please read the full report to witness the successes this model is having in BC.
Social Return on Investment Study
The BC Network of Child and Youth Advocacy Centres engaged with MNP LLP to conduct a SROI analysis of the work of CYACs in British Columbia. This comprehensive report will be published to this page in June 2022.